Healing Our Core Wounds Class
6 week in-person or online series
Dates and Times - TBD
$300 for course
This course is designed to empower individuals seeking to discover their self-worth and reclaim their personal power. It's also beneficial for individuals who find it challenging to establish boundaries, protect themselves, or often feel drained by the demands of the world. If you've ever struggled with vulnerability, grappled with self-identity, or yearned for balance in your life and self-expression, this class is for you. Whether you feel too rigid or out of control in your interactions with yourself and others, or you're interested in gaining insights into your attachment style and how it influences your present relationships, this course can offer valuable understanding and growth.
This class primarily follows a lecture-style format while also warmly welcoming and encouraging active participation and sharing from attendees. Course materials, including handouts for each class, will be provided in advance.
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Courage starts with showing up
and letting ourselves be seen.
- Brene Brown